...když se v textu objevují anglická slovíčka. Nevadí mi výrazy, pro která čeština slova nemá, ale když se objeví slovíčko s českým ekvivalentem, rvu si vlasy a přestávám číst. So I decided to write this text only in English.
Why? Because this day is a day of English for me. At the beginning I just wanted to apologize for any errors that I write here. Ufff, it's really exhausting to write in English. It isn't too hard to learn the questions and talk about it, but writing and grammatical are horrible.
This text will be really short; it's good for you ;-) I have dreams in English and when I cook, I thought adequately, adequately on the half of hectare. When I was shopping I thought pasta, cream...everything in English. And when my mom came at home I said:"helou mam, hau ar jů?"
Now I'm sitting and reading a history of photography and in my head sometimes arose sentences in English, for example: "there are three branches in our political system" and nothing more : )
"But I know that children cry in the countries where they let children cry and the stars come out tonight and you don't know that God is a bear Pú?"
1 ET | 19. května 2010 v 21:34 | Reagovat
Jé, zas ten citát s Púem
Těší mě, že rozumím psané angličtině. Ale sama bych ji asi (asi určitě) dohromady nedala. Je vidět, že anglinu zvládeš u matury na jedničku!
2 Kaunaz Isa | E-mail | Web | 20. května 2010 v 17:08 | Reagovat
Oh, English... The most beloved language. The one I don't have problem using when talking about unimportant things.
My parents hate me when I talk to them in English. Foreign languages are powerful. And we can control them just like fire
3 ovesná vločka | Web | 20. května 2010 v 17:24 | Reagovat
[2]: wow, I understand your text. I'm king kong
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