Do you ask: "why does she write about it now - in August - when (if) the festival was hold in July?" Answer is easy: "She needs to exercise her English and the story is about her English" So, Kaunaz (and every one who is reading this story), I would like to ask you something: "can you tell me about my mistakes? And explain to me what is wrong? Thank you."
I visited the best (for me ;-)) festival in Czech Republic with my friend. You know her from the others articles, I call her Woman. We were in Hradec the last year and it was great. This year Woman took with us her younger brother. There wasn't any sibling love; we only needed a tent for us bags. It could be joke, but it is a right too. Woman's tent was just right for me and for her. I have an advice for you: "if you need a tent for two persons, don't buy a tent for two persons, but buy a tent for three people." Why? In a tent for to persons can sleep two persons, it isn't unusual, but…where will sleep your bags?
I wouldn't talk a lot about the music groups. I'd like to tell you a story about my night adventure. First let me tell you something about music. Woman visited this festival mainly because of the band Muse. I didn't know them before. But after fantastic show they had a new fan. But it wasn't for a long time. I prefer music with Czech texts. Show was great but a young man standing next to us was better, really handsome boy. Unfortunately he spoke only Germany and I forgot everything what I learned in lesson at basic school.
And why did I visit Rock for People? I wanted to see mainly Czech music groups like as Vypsaná fiXa, Čechomor, Wohnout (are not always what they use to be), Psí vojáci, Sto zvířat, Sunshine. But I heard foreign groups too, for example: Editors, Horkýže Slíže, Subways (ehm), Morcheeba (only the end), Archive, Muse (of course) and my favorite group The Inspector Cluzo (they said: "we are the
fucking French bastards") .
But the best experience for me was meeting with two men. Woman and her brother were hungry so they went to buy something for eat. I wait for them on the airfield and suddenly I heard a voice: "Hello I'm Mathew." My goosy voice said: "Hi, I'm Daniela" Mathew said something like as: "Nobody wants to talk me; they don't want to speak English" And dear Daniela started with talking. Yes, I'm chatty all the time, in all languages, maybe.
My pronunciation is horrible, but Math was drunk and tolerant. After some time, came his friend, I don't remember his name, because it was long. But I saw his driving license (he was from Johannesburg) and it was really funny. I was surprised that they can smile on the formal photos. There are some things which I understood them: Mathew works as programmer analytic (my dad has the same job), his friend is an actor. They are both from South Africa, but they are Europeans. They love Prague.
Mathew's friend was fine; he helped me to find the right words. I described the word which I couldn't find and he said: "You think…." They were really amused when (if) I said that I work in explosives factory. And I was surprised that they knew Austin Detonator. I told them many things about me…that I don't like football and why, something about my school, we discussed about color of Woman's ear tube (pink!) and we argued: "why is Canon better than Nikon" Me and Canon won.
I read the last chapter and it doesn't look as funny as it was. But I can't write about it in English so well because I don't know the right words. We chatted for a half of hour, and it was more difficult than graduation. But it was fantastic. Now, I hope that you are after reading this article, alive and healthy.
Alice in Wonderjungle
1 Kaunaz Isa | 19. září 2010 v 0:33 | Reagovat
I am not healthy but I think I am alive though. I have to hear your English :P
Looking forward to see you :P
2 brenmi | 19. září 2010 v 18:27 | Reagovat
Hello, I think I survived It's a very nice article only with a few mistakes.
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